You can already do a lot on Solana without deploying your own programs (smart contracts) by using TypeScript and we would recommend you to start here, especially if you are used to web2 technologies.
What is Solana-Web3.js? #
The Solana-Web3.js library aims to provide complete coverage of Solana. The library was built on top of the Solana JSON RPC API.
You can find the full documentation for the @solana/web3.js
library here.
Solana's Rust crates are published to crates.io and can be found on docs.rs with the solana-
To quickly get started with Solana development and build your first Rust program, take a look at these detailed quick start guides:
Build and deploy your first Solana program using only your browser. No installation needed.
Setup your local environment and use the local test validator.
Python Client for Solana
Both Solders and Solana.py are great options to get going when writing client code on Python
A package that lets you render a blink on your website. There are also other packages available, e.g. from Solana Developers.
Make sure to check out these templates
This is also a great resource from Dialect:
Using Blinks for NFT Minting:
Solana Blink SpecialLast updated